Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Wednesday Happy Thoughts


1. I intended of having taking a long break from my online job but works still pouring in. I’m grabbing the chance so no holiday for me yet. Thankfully, I check my e-mails all the time for possible works so I will not miss a chance.
2. Loots coming on the 1st quarter of 2012 from a friend in the US. I can’t wait for them. I know I can buy them here but it’s still cheaper to purchase them there.
3. New digi kit will be finished soon.
4. Won 1st place at Artscow for my Christmas kit. I really never expected it will bag the 1st place. Thank you Lord!
5. More Christmas gifts coming from overseas.
6. 3 More days and it’s 2012 already
7. Another get together with my highschool friends in January

Christmas Costume Party

Ahhh.. Christmas is finally over and as usual I had a blast with my family. Before Christmas, a friend of mine asked a favor if she can borrow my riding boots for her daughter intends of wearing an equestrian riding apparel on their Christmas party. Thankfully, I have saved my boots properly in the storage room that was about 4years old. I bought it in Sydney as a souvenir when I had my vacation about 4 years ago.

She gave it back to me 2 days after and happy to know that her daughter won 3rd place at their company’s Christmas party. Hmm .. I guess my riding boots is her lucky charm. 

Monday, December 26, 2011

Picking the Best Payday Advance Online Provider

When you need a little bit of money to bridge the gap between paychecks or to deal with an emergency, you have no need for concern. You have several different options available to help meet your needs. PA payday advance online loans an excellent way to meet your short term financial needs. They companies are ideal because they are fast, do not require a credit check and offer you money within 24 hours. Still, there are a few things to keep in mind when you are looking for an online cash advance provider.


Image by via Flickr

1. Decide exactly how much money you will need to borrow to meet your immediate needs. . Be sure to remember to only borrow the amount of money that you need and that you will be able to pay back during your next pay cycle.

2. Check with friends, family, and peers about payday advance online companies. They may have the ability to give you a personal account of one or more of the companies available to you.

3. Spend some time on the Internet research your options. Check out customer reviews and visit several different sites. You may want to take a look at their application, contract, and security measures to make sure the company will be a good fit for your financial needs.

4. Verify all the terms of the loan. This includes application fees and processes, additional fees, interest rates, and term lengths. You may want to check with several different providers to ind the best rate.

5. Contact the company via email or phone to have any questions or concerns answered directly. This will often help clear up any confusion you have.



Image via Wikipedia

Once you have selected a company, the only actions left are to complete the application process, wait for approval, and receive your money. While each company is different, as a rule most require the same basic information as a part of the application process. Be prepared to offer proof of employment, identity verification, and a valid phone number.

Whether you are faced with a medical emergency, have been in a car accident, or simply need cash to pay an outstanding bill, a payday advance online loan might be just what you are looking for. Working with the right company and paying the loan back on time is all it takes to get the money you need to get through any financial difficulty.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christmas Countdown

Yey, 3 more days and it's Christmas time already!

I already finished wrapping all my gifts and they are under our mini tree. My 8 yr old niece is so much excited especially when she saw some gifts with her name written on it. She keeps on asking how many more days till she can open her gifts. Kids are always delighted for their presents but we always tell them the true meaning of Christmas.

My SIL and I already have our Christmas menu and on Christmas eve and day we’ll be feasting on delicious foods that we’ll be preparing. Have a merry merry Christmas all!!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Help for Typhoon Sendong Victims

image It was so heartbreaking to see all the victims of destructive Sendong in parts of Mindanao last Friday. To this date, there are already over 900 victims (deaths) and more are missing.

WE all can help by donating foods, clothes and money to all the victims. You can send donations via Phil. Red Cross using your credit cards, online banking or even paypal payments. Let’s do our share please.  

Monday, December 19, 2011

A YouTube Lover

8-yr. old niece loves watching cartoons and other videos for kids in You Tube. Her parents is allowing her to stay online for sometime but they always see to it that only good sites like dress up for kids, nick jr. sites and other good cartoons will accessed by her. My niece also knows what sites she can go to but mostly she stayed on you tube watching cartoons just like what I have mentioned. She even wanted to save some videos on their computer and I guess she can download from YouTube and straight to her pc using a free downloader.

I'd better tell her mom that she wanted some videos that she saw at Youtube for she asked me to get it for her weeks ago.  I just hope that she'll be a good girl so that her mom will permit her to save some videos.

Mom’s Mind is Set on Surgery

After a long episode of stomach pain tt was found out 3 months ago that mom has gallstone after she had an ultrasound. Her doctor prescribed rowachol that she can take 3x a day before each meal hoping to wash away the stones but the new ultrasound showed that the stones didn't get smaller but at least it didn't increase in size. The doctor advised my mom to have her gallbladder removed already to avoid other complications in the future. The worst thing that it can happen is for the stones to get out of the gallbladder and wander on other organs which can be fatal. After hearing such mom was decided to undergo operation already next year.

Eventhough she hates to see nurses in their nurses uniforms that will get blood samples and give medicines to her, she really has no choice. We'll be praying for her on her future surgery and praying that no complications will arise. We just need to find a good hospital and a surgeon so she can have a peace of mind. Mom being 79 is already scared about the surgery but fears for other consequences that her gallstones can do when she will not have it remove.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Crazy Weather

What's happening to our world?

The weather is just so crazy these past few months and this month we have a tropical depression in the country which is very unusual for this month. It's raining and suddenly it stop and become humid.. The weather pattern has really changed and I guess it boils down to the lack of respect of humans to our mother earth. This is so sad but I don;t think we can still revert to the old days when the air is still fresh and the surrounding is still nice.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Fave Celeb

I was literally browsing the net for pictures of Eva Longoria for I really like the way she dresses up. I'm hoping that one day that I can somewhat copy her style of dressing. I love when she wears jeggings or skinny jeans with soft flowing shirt or 3/4 sleeved polo shirt paired with her high heels shoes and designer bags. She's simple yet stunning and elegant. Her eyes are sparkling and I guess an eyelash enhancer also did the trick. She's petite and curvy and knows how to dress up very well.

Next weekend, I’m going to go to the mall once again hoping to get another pair of jeggings and also would be looking for a nice polo shirt that I saw Eva was wearing.

Monday, November 14, 2011

You May Be Entitled to Compensation if..

If you have a diabetes and have been taking Actos drusg for long time now you should read this. It was recently found out through studies that Actos that use to treat diabetes can pose so much danger to patients. One of the serious side effects known is cancer of the bladder. If you're already have diabetes and later found out to have a cancer brought about by a drug, I'm sure you'll be furious about it. Actos can also give patients heart failure, blood in the urine, liver damage and more.

Intermittent Internet

Let me rant for a while here will you.. My work is online and so expect me to be online almost 24/7 if I can. My net at home is acting up once again, preventing me from browsing and submitting my works. It’s been a week since it’s like these and I'm getting furious already. I had an intermittent intermittent connection and it's making me mad already. I don't want to call Smart's customer service for I only waste my time waiting for them to reply the phone.

Anyway, I’m just going to bear with my net service provider and if by this week it’s still the same, Ill bang their customer service already grrrrrrrr.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Meet Up with College Friends


Every now and then been thinking about my college friends and wishing I'll have the chance to meet them again after so many years. I think it was about 15 years ago the last I saw them. I texted one of my friend and I asked her if she's free on a Sunday (nov. 6) and she replied yes. We set up a reunion and I'm quick to contact some of my other friends and there we met just last week at a mall.

It was so fun to see them after so many years. They have not changed much physically but their lives and careers are very colorful. They are all practicing doctors for so long now and I’m so proud and happy for them. Our day was filled with laughter and so much stories to tell and the day was not enough for us. We’re planning another reunion maybe next year and hoping that we can contact some of our friends to come. R gave as us some gifts and I thought I’ll give them too once we’ll meet again. I just found some sweet treats here and it’s a good idea to buy best friend gifts online. I know they them. Ahhh.. I can’t wait to see them again.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Be Aware of Crestor

Taking care of our health should always be on the top of our list for we always hear that health is wealth, which is really true. We really can't perform well if we are sickly so the best thing to do is to eat and live healthy.

If you have high cholesterol levels in your blood, drink medicines that are prescribed by doctors. Crestor which are given to patients with high cholesterol or even triglycerides are now banned from being marketed for it was known that it can cause side effects to patients. Some of the serious side effects are heart attacks and heart failure. A lawsuit known as as lawsuit  being filed after it was known to have these side effects. Don't fail to seek legal help if you've become a victim of this drug.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

No More Till Death Do Us Part?

Ahhh.. almost all of my friends got hitched already and I’m the only one left behind. I’m already sick and tired of people asking me when I will get married. I’m tirelessly answering them back with my “tomorrow” answer and with a smile and I guess they already know what I mean hehe.

You know, some people equate happiness with being married and complete but that is not so true anymore these days. Take a look at those celebrities with hundreds and thousand of dollars worth of engagement/wedding or titanium wedding band on their fingers and yet they separate as if marriage is not sacred and for keeps.  Oh well, it’s no surprise to know that my fave Kim Kardashian’s marriage to her hunk husband only lasts for 72 days. That is so sad. So lavish wedding yet it’s not till death do us part.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Dentist Appointment

Yay, I've been meaning to make an appointment at my dentist's office since October but my sched has been pretty busy to accommodate it. I wanted to have my teeth cleaned and had 1 or 2 teeth for filling and I need to get it done asap. I'm also going to switch to a different dentist (again!) because the other dentist aren;t welcoming at all. They don't let me feel welcome and they aren't caring like the very 1st dentist that I had long time ago. Too bad my fave dentist retired from her career to give way to her religious duties.

Anyway, my SIL recommended another dentist and I hope she'll make me feel welcome and also will taka care of my teeth. I also can say that Dental Jobs are getting in demand these days as more people are becoming more conscoius about dental health.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Broken Promise

Oh dear, it seems that many people are struggling these days due to economic crisis and lack of jobs. My heart goes to people with so much >debt on their sleeves  especially those that don’t have the means to pay. Just the other week, a family friend came up to me borrowing some money because they don’t have money to pay their electricity. I just gave her a small amount since I can't give her the full amount that she is asking.

She promised to pay last Sunday but she only gave me a portion of what she borrowed.... yay.. I don't know when she'll pay the other balance and I'm afraid she will not pay it anymore.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Health Care professionals

I guess ¼ of our clan have graduated with a course in line with medicine. Mom and older sis are midwives, my other sis a nurse and I graduated as Medical Technology. I also have aunts that are doctors, nurses and other cousins are nurses as well. Some have become very successful in their chosen career and are still working in big hospitals here, Middle East and in the US. An aunt of mine even became the head of a cancer department in a hospital in the US and just recently she’s also giving lectures and seminars to medical professionals.

There’s a great demand of medical professionals anywhere, for giving medical care to patients are a must. There are various fields that you can opt to choose, nursing, midwifery, doctor of medicine, medical technology, x-ray tech, and lots more. If you love giving special care to patients and wanted to expand your learning in the medical field, getting a medical course can fulfill your passion. I also remember there’s a number of caregivers that are needed on elderly homes and some of my relatives took a course just to be qualified on that field.

Hospitals and other medical care facilities will always be in need of medical staff and to augment that need.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Anniversary Gift Gift Ideas for Husband

Men are sometimes hard to please but if you really know what they want and can tickle their fancy, there’s no doubt that they'll appreciate every effort and gift that you will give. Make him special on their birthday and on your anniversary.

Here are some Anniversary Gifts for Husband that you can opt to choose. The weekender duffle bag is made of leather and can carry his stuff. I also love the watch and jewelry box for he can become organize.

Monday, October 17, 2011


After giving my dog Sophie a bath this morning, I lso gave our living room a little clean up since we had a small pre-birthday celebration of my mom yesterday. It was a lot of fun but left the house a little bit messy. While during some photo albums on the center table, my eyes were glued to my college photos where we are wearing our white medical uniforms with our matching custom name tags, I can't help but to reminisce my college days.

Almost all of my friends are already doctors now while others are still in the medical field like Med. Tech, Medical representative and more. I’m on a different field right now and there are times that I’m wishing I’m working at the laboratory like them so that I can use the profession that I used to love. But, things and priorities change so I’m also happy on where I am now.  

Saturday, October 15, 2011

3-Day Mall Wide Sale at Malls Oct. 14-16

The 3-Day sale at malls particularly at SM and Robinson's Department stores started yesterday till Sunday (16th). I was there yesterday and I have witnessed how people became crazy over the huge sale that many stores are offering. How can you not resist items with 10 and up to 70% off on most of the items. I saw some women hoarding some stuff that were on sale and I bet they'll give them as presents this Christmas.

Every time there is a 3-day sale at malls esp. at the big ones, people hurry themselves to go to the malls to take advantage of the sale items. Since it is also payday, there's no wonder why there are tons of shoppers came in. I end up just buying a Tefal frying pan that has only 10% off. I did stroll different malls but bought nothing as I don;t want to buy only on impulse. Thankfully, I was able to control myself from buying shoes or bags that I don't actually need anymore.

Speaking of discounts, not only at the local malls have sale but also online. Many have been looking forward to get good deals at their fave online stores as well for they have January Clearance sale, end of season sale or holiday sale as well. Online is another great venue where we can get good discounts.

Anyway, after having experienced the mall wide sale at Megamall yesterday, I don’t think I will come shopping again if there is a sale. The lines to the counters are just way too crazy. lol

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Dining in Boston

Have you found yourself stuck thinking where to dine when you travelled to a different city? If you are heading to Boston for whatever purpose, it’s always best to know good Boston restaurants where you can eat and satisfy your hunger. The internet serves a good place to research just about anything.
You can check out this Boston restaurant guide
to lend you a hand in finding the best restaurants that can serve different cuisines as well. There are many restaurants that you can try or experiment.

If you’ll be craving for some fajitas, salsa, guacamole, quesadillas, enchiladas, tacos, or empanadas? Not to worry, for a Mexican Restaurant like Tequila Mexican Grill Viva Burrito and more can satisfy your cravings. For some Chinese delicacies and meals, Chinese restaurants Boston  like Dragon Chef and Chau Chow City to name a few restos. Check out lots of options that can satisfy your discerning taste buds.

Monday, October 10, 2011

79 soon

It's going to be another fun-filled weekend for all of us come next week for my mom will be celebrating her 79th birthday. Her birthday on Oct. 18th will fall on a Tuesday but we're having a small family celebration on the 16th (Sunday) so that everyone will be there ( I hope). For sure, there'll be bbq since we all love pork and chicken barbeque plus some other dishes.

Actually, I'll be talking to my sister in laws to know what menu we'll be having. For sure, our all time favorite buko fruit salad will be served plus I'll be ordering cake for my mom. It's going to be just a family affair for we just intend of having a big party when she'll turn 80 next year in God's grace. One thing is for sure, she'll be receiving lots of greetings from all of us and that what matters most.

I’m just wishing and praying for mom’s good health because she’s been under the weather lately. Her gallstones still need to be addressed and we all hope that medicines can dissolve those stones so that surgery will not be done.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

It’s Never Too Early to Start Thinking About Christmas

Wow, I just learned that it's only 78 more days and it's gonna be Christmas once again! It's just like a month ago when we celebrated it, time sure flies so fast. It may sound weird for some but here in our neck of the woods, Christmas starts really early. What I mean is that, radio play Christmas songs, TV shows having their countdown and Christmas decors already in their studios as soon as the BER months begin in September. Some malls have already started bridging out their Christmas stuff that will be for sale and that w ill definitely entice people to buy their Christmas gifts or to decorate their homes early too.

Personally, we decorate around 1st week of December and this year I planned on changing the color theme of our Christmas tree. It was orange and gold last year and I'm not sure if I'll go for violet and silver this year.

Mom and I will also get new Christmas lights that we'll install in our garage and we are thinking of getting solar type. A friend of mine had it outdoors and we are encouraged to buy as we don't even need to light them each night for they will light on it's on. Sis who is in Sydney even mentioned to us that she'll send us some. She found a lot of Solar christmas lights over at Deals Direct's website and if she can get them at a good deal, she'll include them at the big box she'll send to us soon. About 2 years ago, she sent us a tall Christmas tree and heaps of Christmas decors because after the holidays, many shops there put all the Christmas items at half to 70% off. My sis definitely hoard some and just saved them for the next holiday season. A good chance to save.

I’m sure many will be excited and looking forward for Christmas for it is the time to give and share our blessings.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Hello October!

Wow, time really flies so very fast and the 1st week of Oct. is so to end. I'm looking forward to my mini-vacation soon with some friends and I'm just praying that there;s no typhoon on that time so I can enjoy. I need a break from work and life's busy life and a vacation is a good reward or gift to myself.

There are so many things that I’m looking forward till the end of this year and one of those is the much awaited wedding of my distant cousin come early next year. I could feel her excitement as the wedding day nears. In fact, they are already on their preparation stage like looking for wedding rings,  bridal rings, gown, souvenirs, photographer and other wedding stuff.

Right now, I hope October will be a good one for me work and health wise.

Monday, October 3, 2011

How OSHA trainings can increase your ability to get a job

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) was created under the United States Department of Labor in 1970. The objective of this government agency was to provide regulations that would prevent work-related illnesses, injuries and other occupational fatalities. These measures would be enforced on the concerned businesses requiring them to follow predefined standards for workplace health and safety.

They also conduct sever al osha training programs and safety training programs for the workers of general and construction companies.

Employers will be able to save a lot of money in the long run if they over continuous OSHA training programs to their employees. If management creates an atmosphere of safety-minded safety conscious workers and workplace environments, their business will run more smoothly and there will be fewer claims to liabilities and fatalities.
OSHA safety training seminars and programs teach safety measures for the workers that are easy to understand. It is open for all and it does not need any pre requisites. The people who are not working with construction or general company can also take the training and help others by the skills and techniques of safety at work.

Here are some of the advantages of undergoing OSHA trainings:

• Workers are made aware of the safety procedures that need to be practiced at the workplace.
• Workers are taught ways to prevent any hazardous conditions in the workplace.
• Essentially, these training programs save the workers’ lives!
• OSHA safety also helps the employers and the workplace industry as it reduces extra expenses that occur from hazards like accidents, injuries and chemical related illness.
• OSHA safety training enhances the environment of the working site.

If you are looking into getting employed, getting certification from a specific OSHA safety training program (example: OSHA forklift certification training course) will increase your chances in getting a job or being chosen among possible job candidates. Employers would no longer need to orient you on the safety practices and the operations of their machinery. To get OSHA certification, you must first pass the level one exam and receive a temporary OSHA Card. This card can be used when you apply for jobs. Getting certified is similar to most other workplace training courses and involves formal education through videos and written materials, hands-on training and testing of both theoretical and practical knowledge. In the OSHA forklift certification training course, separate certification is available for sit-down and stand-up forklifts. Certification must be renewed every two years.

Employers also do not need to worry about the time it will take to complete a course since OSHA training courses are either 10 or 30 hours long, and there are companies like ClickSafety Inc. who conducts online classes. By doing this course online, you enjoy the additional advantages of learning from the convenience of your own home at a time that is perfect for you.
Why is it important to take part in OSHA Training Courses:
The OSHA guidelines tackled in these programs are applicable under all working conditions. For instance, following OSHA guidelines in working conditions that require the use of heavy duty equipment and machines will help the employees work more efficiently under strenuous conditions. Once qualified, all employees will have the best knowledge to operate their machinery. This will also help develop a sense of leadership as all of them will have the full knowledge to handle any adverse situation. With the training and information from these courses, employees are provided with a sense of awareness and understanding, which in turn will help them lead safer working hours. When employers give and encourage these courses to their employees, it proves their commitment towards safety in their workplace.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Never Get Lost Again

My bro and a helper was asked by my mom to run an errand for her in Manila. Bro was confident he knows the direction for he said he went there once. It should only take them around 3 hrs. from our home but funny thing is that it took them about nearly 5 hours and we’ve been calling  bro on the phone if he finally arrived in their destination.

My irked bro told us that they are lost and wished that they one of those magellan gps just like my sis her on their car so that they will never be lost again.  The thing is my bro hates to ask directions from people and no wonder he was lost. Poor bro, got tired and been in circles just because he doesn’t like to ask for help. lol

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Follow Your Dreams and Aspirations

I know we all have our own dreams and aspirations in life. There are times it’s pretty hard to achieve them but when we set our goals and we focus on what we really want to become, then I guess nothing is really impossible.

If you love cosmetology, hair styling and other ways making yourself or others beautiful, then you can always enroll in a beauty school to get more knowledge and hone your skills. In the US,, a Cosmetology school has been accepting students who wanted to become skilled at this industry. They are one of the leading cosmetology school having been in the business for 50 years already and is continuously expanding.


Safe Water to Drink

Mom is sickly lately and of course we are so worried about it since she's also in her late 70's. We are also making sure that she eats more fruits and vegetables and less of meat and fats. Actually, she herself wanted to eat healthy and to refrain from eating meat as much as possible.

Lately, her bowel movement is not also good so we decided to just buy her mineral waters in the grocery to be sure it's much safer than the water we are drinking now. We are not really sure about the quality of the water these days so we need to be extra careful and just buy her bottled water.

I'm also so worried about that stains that water in our faucets are leaving in pots, in the bathroom and other places and I think it is due to high calcium or other minerals in the water if I'm not mistaken. I heard from a friend that a water softener
can reduce those minerals in water.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What Diabetic Patients also need to know

I reckon if a person is diagnosed to be diabetic, he has this ailment all his life but with proper diet and self-discipline anyone with this kind of disease can manage and live an normal life. Diabetics should and must always monitor their sugar level to avoid complications and of course not to make the disease more worst.

Getting an ample amount of exercise, eating more veggies and fruits, and not smoking or other vices are good thing to do when you are diabetic. If you have family history of diabetes, it is best to consult your doctor and have your blood tested to know if you also got the disease.

I also learned that not all diabetes medicines are good. In a recent study, it is found out that Actos which is given orally to patients with diabetes can lead to heart attacks, heart failure and even bladder tumor. Affected patients have been filing Actos lawsuit
against the manufacturer of this drug. If you have been a victim of this drug, you can file a lawsuit now and get compensation over the damage it has caused you.

What the ??

Wow, it rained so hard that the clothes outside were soaked in rain. Boo… My SIL called asking me to get the clothes outside but it was already late so it was already The rain and thunderstorm is also non-stop and that made my poor dog Sophie to be afraid that I let her inside the house. She scrambled and hid under my table for I know dogs hate thunderstorms.

The rain also resulted in the intermittent connection of my internet and that is annoying. I need to ping the server couple of times just to get a signal and as of this writing the  signal is on and off.

Smoking Withdrawal Symptoms

My brother was rushed to the hospital last July for shortness of breath and dizziness and it turned out that he had a mild attack. He was confined at the hospital for few days and thank God he was out and well after treatment. He just had a night of full cholesterol that may have triggered that heart attack and thankfully he is on medication now and not been smoking as well.

He’s having some withdrawal symptoms like crankiness, irritability, craving for so much food and more but he is fighting it because he is determined not to smoke anymore for his own health.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Appropriate Legal Help

There’ll come in our lives that we can experience accidents brought by someone due to their negligence or carelessness. Sometimes we can just settle the unfortunate event by ourselves by talking to that person but if worst thing happen, you should definitely need to hire a lawyer that can do the legal tasks for you. If you are caught in an car accident or injury while at work and more it is always best to get professional legal help as much as possible to aid you in every legal aspect of the case.

Monday, August 15, 2011

The Weekend that Was

Weekend has passed once again and we had a good one. Saturday, I managed to iron all my clothes that have been sitting and waiting to be ironed for the last 1 month and yikes I was ironing for 4 hours. Eventhough I was so tired, I’m relieved that the loads of clothes are now ironed and in my closet already.

Watched a movie with the kids and family at the nearby mall on Sunday and just lazed around the house till evening. My older brother also accomplished to change the tires of our van because it got busted the other weekend. Thank heavens it's not that expensive unlike those ATV Tires that I know of. I hope that no more unnecessary expenses will come this week or else my budget will be out of track.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Pleasant Surprises

I wasn't suppose to go out today as I'm feeling quite achy and so lazy, blame it on my tumbling monthly hormones. I got up my sit and prepared myself for I had to go to the bank to pay some bills. The weather was hot and humid and it add to my restless feeling. Anyway, I was able to settle the bills in a snap and head to my computer shop.

I was surprised and happy to see the 3 balikbayan boxes courtesy of my sister in Riyadh. We still need to wait for her e-mail or call to know if we’re going to open the box already or not. I’m pretty sure there are lots of goodies inside just like what she sent few months back. I’m also pleasantly surprise to see my mom’s kumare and mom youngest sister’s godmother who came all the way from California for vacation here in the country. I greeted her and she gave me a lipstick as a present and I also learned that she didn’t marry as well. Its been over 3 decades since we last saw here so we’re glad that she visited us even for just few minutes.

I could not refrain from looking at her older brother for his  gold chains are quite eye-catching. After few chats and sharing of stories, they already left but we’ll return soon. It’s always nice to catch up with old friends and relatives from time to time.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Billing Statements Aren’t Coming

My internet service and credit card bills should arrive 1st week of the month but up to now they have not arrived so I got worried. I already went to Smart center to pay for my net service eventhough I don’t have the latest statement as I don't want the billings to file up this month. I asked them why it hasn't arrived yet but they can't give me an answer, maybe the courier just got too lazy delivering the bills.

I’m also worried about my credit card bill because as of today, I have not bill yet. My cutoff was last June 24 and the due date will be on August 13 already. What I did was to inquire my balance through phone (I didn’t sign up on online banking) and let them know that my bill hasn’t arrived yet. This is the 1st time I have not receive a statement and since it’s only my 2nd time to use my CC I’m worried I might get a penalty if I’ll not pay it on due. Anyway, I’ll settle it tomorrow even w/o by billing statement.

I’m glad that I don’t have an SPIA overdue bill or else I’ll be worrying about it too. I hope this month, bills should come on time.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Thanks, It’s Back

We’ve been hit by a storm this week and I have to say that it has caused my internet connection’s connectivity to be intermittent.  It made my my surfing and online works very hard that it made me almost crazy hehe.

Due to lack of internet, the good thing is that, I became more productive and creative as I was able to make 2 digi-kits and lots of templates for Artscow. I’ll be releasing those kits in few more weeks. Today, it looks like my net connection is getting better and I’m praying that it will stay.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

I can’t Wait for The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1

Ok, I admit that it was only this year that I was able to watch Twilight Series and I must saythat I love it. At first, I taught it was just another same old love story but of course I’m wrong. I watched Twilight on TV just the other week and haha after watching it, I decided to rent DVD movies of the sequel.

So in the last few days I have upgraded myself with New Moon and would you believe Eclipse just last night hahaha… Anyway,really looking forward to watch The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 on Nov. 18, 2011 and that is 2 days after my birthday. Now, I’m so intrigued on what will happen next to Edward and Bella. Yay, I can’t wait for November to come..

Thursday, July 21, 2011

A Well-Worth Trip

Sis from overseas came home last month for their yearly vacation. This year, I reckon was the best vacation they had simply because they've been too many places during their stay. Plus, the weather cooperated despite the fact that it is rainy seasons now. Their trips were all "sulit" and enjoyable. Mom, who had the opportunity to come with them, have so much stories and experiences that she's been sharing and will remember.

Their trip in Batangas, Tagaytay, Davao, Ilocos all need some walking and strolling, good thing is that they all girls wore womens sandals while the boys had their rubber shoes. They walk with comfort and ease but since mom is already 78 years old, he had some cramps at the end of their trip. Sis and hubby will be going back to work as soon as they arrive in Saudi and will be working hard again to save for their next trip back home. Have a safe trip sis and BIL!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Trying Out Zugo

I’ve always been amazed at how technology evolved through the years. I could not even imagine myself not going online for few days for I’ll feel disconnected to the world. Just some of the benefits that I’ve been enjoying are: connecting to my loved ones via social networks and other means like messenger, etc. plus shopping and purchasing discounts vouchers has never been easy. Not to mention the convenience of paying my bills online at the comforts of my home.

Business owners and online publishers also find the web a good way to promote their products. If you have a business and wanted to increase your exposure, by all means you need to go online. You can even install Zugo toolbar that will help searches and surfing the net much quicker and a good experience for you and your client. Just like Yahoo, Ask and Bing, it’s making our searches about anything more fun and with good results.

Others may think that the toolbar can affect their computers but Zugo toolbars are spyware and adware free and will not have an effect on your machines. The StartNow toolbars are also compatible with Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox so you need worry about it.

Back in the Corporate World

My bestfriend is back to the corporate world once again after being a WAHM for 2 years. Actually, she has no plans of going back to work because she’s been enjoying the times she’s been spending with her family plus that fact she can also earn while at home. A former officemate offered her a job that she could not resist and she also needs some extra money for their expenses, she grabbed the opportunity where she can also save a little for her family.

Eventhough she works double time now, commuting everyday just to go to work and seeing all the metal buildings in the city, I guess she has already adjusted being in the work force once again. I know that she grow more in terms of her career and can even earn more money. I just wish her the best of everything and may she found her new work a big help for her.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

It Needs a Major Repair ??!

It was a great news when we heard that NAIA3 will be opened on 2006 but it was cancelled due to poor construction that some of the ceiling collapsed yay! Finally, the new airport became fully operational after many years where only few int’l flights and other domestic flights are served because the original NAIA1 was still there.

In 2009, when we flew to Hongkong for a vacation, it was on the airport where we checked in. It was nice, spacious and more presentable than the orig. one and I have no complaints. Just the other week, my sister and her family flew on domestic flight on that same airport and she could not understand why there are leaking water from the ceiling yay! Such a shame and they need to repair it asap for it is embarrassing. I reckon, it needs repair and maybe they can also upgrade some equipments (esp. on the old airport) and get one of the best metal detectors that can help in the operations.

Despite that, if ever I will fly again, I want to use that airport.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Back from their Davao Trip

My sister and her family plus my mom went on a 4-day vacation in Davao last July 5 – 8 and they are finally home just last night. Fortunately, the weather was good at the time of their vacation despite some heavy downpour in the afternoon. I got so envy everytime they post pictures of their trip on Facebook and wished that I have come with them on this trip.

They’ve been eating endlessly, trying out different restos in the town and oh boy they’ve even tasted CROCODILE meat unknowingly lol. Only my bro and other companion knew it so it was a surprise for my sister and her children to learn that they’ve eaten a crocodile!! lol. In fairness, they said it was so good and they didn’t suspect that it was other meat products. I bet they will not eat it when they learn that it’s a crocodile.

My sister and her whole family have big appetite so I will not wonder if they ate with so much delight while they are there. It will not be a surprise also if they will be looking for diet pill that works fast because they’ve become glutton for 4 days. They have tons of pasalubongs (gifts) from their trip and that includes the famous sweet suha (pomelo) and durian candies.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Home Improvements for this Year

Just last summer, my brother had their kitchen and living room floorings renovated. It was time to replace their old vinyl tiles as they have cracks already and the colors are just way too dated and dirty. Thankfully, a nearby home depot had their anniversary sale, so they were able to score some nice tiles that they had installed. The job went about for a week or so and eventhough it was dusty and their house became messy due to the renovation, it was all worth it.

Now, they have new shining floors that are also easy to clean and I bet it will last for many years if properly taken cared of. With the renovations that were done at my bro’s house, I was also inspired to have our house done as well. Actually, we’re just on the other door as our house is a duplex. I’m planning to have our living room, kitchen and also my room painted before Christmas as what I’ve promised to my mom.

The make-over will not be complete if I will not be buying or replacing some furniture. I’m eyeing a nice living room lighting fixture and a new contemporary coffee table that I saw online. Pretty sure it’ll match our beige sofa and the white walls. Finding sleek and contemporary furniture for our homes are easier now, thanks to manufacturers that are coming up with their latest styles and designs for modern homes. 24/7 Shop at Home has wide array of products not only for the living room but also for dining, kitchen and more.

contemporary coffee table

Thinning Hair

I have to admit that lately, I’ve been bothered by my thinning hair. Actually, I have thick and coarse hair but maybe because of coloring my hair or due to stress my hair near my forehead is starting to get thinner. It's already unsightly too to see when I try to put my hair up as it has some bald spots already.

I'm afraid that in the future I'll be needing some hair loss products to cure it. A friend also told me to use a natural or organic shampoo and conditioner because she thinks that my shampoo maybe to harsh for my hair. Oh dear, I need to address this problem or else I might end up with bald spots on my head.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Things That I Want to Try

I have to say that I'm not an adventurous person and it's kinda sad to know that. Sometimes I hate myself for not taking some risks or trying out new things because of fear. You see, I have a fear on heights and anything that goes so fast and up & down for I'm having some butterflies in my stomach. Anyway, if only I’m too brave to do some things, here’s what I want to try out.

1. Bungee jumping – ahhhh.. this I have to say this will kill me lol
2. Walk on top of Sydney Bridge. Actually, my BIL is already asking me to go with him one time when we had went there in 2008 but the scared cat in me surfaced so I declined the invitation.
3. Paint ball game while handling a gun with rifle scope targeting my opponent. Ahhh, I guess I can handle this task.
4. Ride a zip line. Yay, hope the lines won’t break or else I’ll fall on the woods.
5. White water rafting and other extreme sports.

Oh dear, I’m not sure if I can try all of these. Just reading my list makes my knees shake and my palms sweat already. Boo!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

A Little Meditation Can Go a Long Way

Ever felt the need to just pause for a while, forget the hustle and bustle around you and spend some quiet time alone? That is one of the signs that your body is telling you to slow down. Stress can take a toll on one’s body and mind and by not providing it with immediate attention it could actually get worse over time. You can try some simple relaxation tips that can calm your nerves, soothe your aching muscles and relieve you from the tension and stress of a busy lifestyle.

But of you are looking for a lifestyle change that can dramatically transform you, go for a meditation. The ancient art practiced by monks is now becoming a popular form of relaxation. It aims to free your mind from all the thoughts and help you achieve a sound mind and body. While there are no medical or scientific studies to back its positive effects those who practice meditation often notice the changes and the benefits that it provides.

With a relaxed mind comes the ability to increase your attention span. You become less distracted and it trains your thought to focus. It has spiritual, physiological and psychological benefits that can help you achieve a holistic personality where every single aspect is in sync with each other. Practitioners also experienced an improved on their health which means less visits to the doctor. It lowers the consumption of energy while increasing the blood flow.

The great thing about meditation is that you won’t need to buy any tools or equipment, there are no set guidelines, it is free and you can do it anywhere at anytime of the day.

Mia currently works as a freelance writer. Among her favorite topics include travel, current events, technology and fashion. She's enjoying her current task writing for gulvafslibning priser a project which is about floor sanding prices.


Teaching the Value of Money

Sometimes kids ask too many questions that there are times we are caught unprepared answering them. Questions like why are the stars in the sky twinkling to where did they came from. There is just about too many topics that I can also discuss with the kids and even though I don’t have kids of my own, I teach my nieces and nephews especially the younger ones the value of money.

I’ve been giving them allowance for school and I’m glad when they come to me and tell me that they didn’t spend much. They save it and later on, they ask their moms to put it on their banks. Been hearing from my 8 yr.old niece that she wanted to buy a big house and gadgets and that put a smile on my face. I just hope they’ll invest their money wisely especially when they grow up. Maybe, investing in gold coins and other business will be a good move.

Monday, June 20, 2011

A Special Day

A friend will be celebrating her birthday in few months and I really miss her already. We've been texting sometimes and even would love to meet once again after many years of not seeing each other but unfortunately, we still can't find time for our meet up. Since we are not on the same place, I also wanted to send send flowers local to surprise her and for sure she'll never expect that it will come from me. I know that she loves flowers and chocolates and if I’ll send her some there’s no doubt that she’ll be tickled pink.

Not only lovers can send chocolates and flowers but girl friends can do that to. Flowers can warm any woman’s heart and can made her even more special. Oh dear, I miss her so much. I have to call her tomorrow and see what’s she’s up to these days.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Google’s Lunar Eclipse Page

lunar eclipse

Oh how cool! Google has come with up with yet another nice feature on their page and this time it’s about the LUNAR ECLIPSE that occurred very early this morning. I wasn't able to see this live as I don’t want to stay up late till 2- 3am.

According to Wikepedia:

A lunar eclipse occurs when the moon passes behind the earth so that the earth blocks the sun's rays from striking the moon. This can occur only when the Sun, Earth, and Moon are aligned exactly, or very closely so, with the Earth in the middle.

What about you, have you seen the lunar eclipse?

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Wednesday Happy Thoughts

wedhappythoughts Wow, never thought it’s already Wednesday today. I really thought it was just Tuesday but when I saw the calendar, yay, indeed it was Wed. I’m sharing some of my Wednesday Happy Thoughts today and here are some:

1. Sis and BIL coming home from overseas next week. It means that there are many gifts and lots of travel time for our family.
2. Oh sooooo filling lunch. I cooked my old time favorite Chicken Caldereta and of course I’ll say it was so delicious.
3. Leche Flan dessert  and chocolate cake are heaven!! I can indulge on them once in a while. Thankfully, I can eat a lot as I’m not trying to lose weight and I’m not even taking any phenphedrine that others might consider to shed off some of their weight.
4. Helped someone today and it makes me feel good.
5. Shopping
6. My dog Sophie who became my companion when I’m at home alone.
7. Online works. I’m really so thankful for this! Actually, it already became my bread and butter.
8. Online friends who are chatterbox and very helpful as well.

I hope you all had a great Wednesday!
To know how this started click here.

Let’s See How Long I Can Control Myself

Buying another desktop computer is something that keeps nagging me. Went to the computer shop few months ago and saw HP, Dell and gateway computers on sale and that made my heart go beating fast. Actually, I’m leaning towards the HP brand since I already have one that I’m using at my computer shop. I wanted the same brand for I know that it is durable and can perform very well. Not that the other brands are not good as well, but I just love HP brand.

I thought that I’ll be buying it last April but told myself to wait for a while. I just hope that it is still on sale or else I’ll blame myself for not buying it asap. I also didn’t want to buy it now because I also have a DELL laptop that I’m using at home. If I buy it now, chances are, I’ll be using my lappy less or not at all.

Anyway, let’s see how long I can control myself not going to that shop to buy that desktop.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Back to School

Another school year has started and students have found their way to their new classrooms, teaches and classmates. Those that are in college will start a new phase in the lives where they will learn about their chosen course and hoping they’ll land a job after graduation. I reckon it’s always practical to find a course that you really love in such way you’ll never regret after finishing it.

If you have a knack for beauty, going to beauty schools like the Austin beauty school
will prepare and hone you to the career in cosmetology that you love. With over 50 years in this business, they are expanding and offering good and quality education to their students.

How Do Geeks Meditate


Can’t help but to smirk when I saw this at Now, I know how my geek cousin meditate with his

Oh sooooo cute Puppy Bouquet


Ok this one made my day! A friend sent this image via e-mail because she knows I love dogs. Whoever made this bouquet that look like a puppy is a genius. This is extensively cute and unique! This is a perfect gift esp. to those who love dogs like.

I can see that the flowers used here are chrysanthemums and not sure what thing is made on the nose and the eyes. All I know that this puppy bouquet is super cute.. I hope someone will give me one like this. hehe..

Friday, June 10, 2011

Safety on the Road

Can’t forget the road accident that my family witnessed about few years ago where about 5-10 vehicles crashed on each other in the highway. It was only few minutes that it happened and fortunately we’re not on the area when that happened. Thanks to the delay that my lil’ niece have done and I think that might have also saved us from the accident.

It was just too scary to witness something like that where the drivers and their companions scramble to get out of the car while some lay there unconscious. Road safety is something that we should need to exercise but if accidents happen we also need to be aware of our rights

Coming Home

It’s confirmed…my older sister and her husband is coming home for a vacation in the country before the month ends. Actually, they’ve been telling that they are coming home in July but they postponed it and later on sis told us that they’ll arrive this month instead. I’m looking forward for their homecoming as this will mean another bonding time with my sis who loves shopping.

Also, it’s a great time for them to be with their 3 kids who are studying in the university. It’s their kids sem break come next week so it’s just the right time for them to come home and be with them. I’m pretty sure that aside from shopping, they’ll be going out of town because they love travelling as well.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

"Louder" Official Lyric Video of CHARICE

It's only today that I learned that Charice has a brand new single. Have not heard it on local news about this single so I'm quite surprised to see this on Youtube whilst browsing online and her website. I also have not seen her latest appearance on Glee yet, blame it on my hectic schedule (naks!).

Anyway, here's the official LOUDER lyric video of CHARICE and I’m hoping it will do good and top the charts once again. Watch the video and tell what you think

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Walk in Tubs for Senior Citizens

Our bathroom becomes our haven to clean ourselves and to have a time for relaxation. I find it very soothing to take a lukewarm shower before going to bed at night and a cold one when the weather is just to hot to bear. I’m pretty sure that others find their bath tubs a place to rest their weary bodies after hard days work. Ahhh.. it’s a pure bliss.

It also made me think about my grandmother when she was 90 years old, my aunt who took care of her in her last days have a hard time especially when it’s time for her bath time. If only we have one those walk in tubs where she can comfortably cleanse herself. She doesn’t even need to climb at the tub as it has a door where she can open and enter.

Walk In Tubs are perfect for seniors as they can take a refreshing bath even without any assistance. They can become independent because these tubs are safe for them. This is a wonderful innovation and they are already available in different styles and features. walk in tub

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Outside.. I can see the rain has started drowning the try wet pavement. It's been very hot and humid since this morning and I'm glad that it rained a bit to give us some cool air for a while.

From the kitchen.. I can smell the aroma of the spaghetti that my sister-in-law is cooking. It’s her post birthday treat for her co-employees.

I wish… that I will not be in menopause stage soon because I hate to think that I’m getting old and if that will happen I'll have to search for the best progesterone cream because I learned that it can help to reduce the symptoms of menopause.

I’m thankful… for the continuous blessings that I’m receiving each day eventhough I don’t pray for it that much. God is just so good.. ALL the time.

I’m thinking of…scrapping again today as my scrapping mojo is overflowing these days. The gallery of some friends and other digi-scrappers inspired me a lot to do my own layouts. I’m still used to the clean and simple layout as opposed to too many papers and elements on papers. I want my photos to be the center of the layout and it should be the focus of the whole layout.

I’m praying.. for the safe and comfortable travel of my sister and her husband this end of June. Also praying that they can solve whatever family issues that they have

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Hello June!

Good morning everyone. Wow, it’s the 1st day of June now and I could not believe that May just came by so quickly. To think we are already in the middle of the year and i no time it’ll be Christmas once again. Summer is also over as rainy seasons already entered in the country. I’m expecting lots of typhoons and floods to come by but I’m praying that there’s not much destruction that it’ll bring.

June 6, many of the students will be back to school once again as it marks the start of the School year 2011-2012. My nieces and nephews are already prepared. IN fact, we already bought their books and school supplies that they need. I’m praying that they’ll do their best in studying.

Missed Fun

A friend from HS called me up last Saturday while I'm doing my laundry. She's inviting me to attend the 50th year anniversary of their company at the Araneta Center where there are lots of advertising flags displayed for an evening of fun and laughter. I was so sad to decline the invitation as I was in the middle of house chores and some work.

How'd I wish she called me 2 or 3 days ahead so I can schedule the event. I just hate invitations with only 3-4 hours notice as I usually decline such. She told me that there are some celebrities that will grace the show and she wants me to see them. Oh well, maybe next time I can already come but she needs to buzz me up much earlier.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Wednesday Happy Thoughts


1. Cool weather
2. Meeting some HS friends
3. Brazo de mercedez cake
4. 2 –hr nap this afternoon
5. Caching caching from online works
6. Friends kalakals, I was able to do window shopping hehe
7. Sweet Sophie
8. Online friends keeping me sane hehe
9. Healing gums and teeth
10. Designed party stuff for sister

To know how this started and credits of the header, click here.

New Found Love

I was at the mall the other weekend when I stopped by Watsons to purchase some of my personal stuff and some medicines. Fortunately, it was on sale so I was able to buy some new facial wash that can remove blackheads on nose and can leave skin smoother as what I read on the label. I'm using it everyday now and it looks promising ,I just hope in no time, my skin will be smoother.

The hand wash and cream that I also bought are my new found love. I always love visiting Watsons as I can find some girly and kikay stuff. I wish they will have sale all the time hehe.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Sickies in the House

Oh dear, this weather is making us sick (literally). My mom and I have colds and cough while my niece who is staying with us also has a sore throat and she’s having difficulty to swallow. I guess we need to drink our daily dose of vitamins and mineral supplements as well because of the weather conditions here in our neck of the woods. Right now, it’s gloomy and so hot and I think it’s going to rain shortly.

I’m kinda worried about my mom who is 78 years old already because aside from having a high blood pressure and cholesterol, her coughs makes her awake at night. Though she can walk with ease out of her room, she still needs to take extra precautions when going out at night. I also told her to just use a sturdy step stool when she wants to get something in the cabinet and just sit down when reaching for something below.

Anyway, I just hope that we’ll get well as soon as possible as it is hard to be sick in this kind of weather. Yay, today is hot.. maybe around 34-36C.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Weather Changes

This summer, it has been so hot that my 78 year-old mother is having a hard time coping with the extreme weather conditions most of the times. I always tell her to keep herself hydrated by drinking lots of water and not to expose herself to direct sunlight as much as possible. Been checking her blood pressure as well because when it reached to more than 140/80, I know for sure that she’ll be dizzy in no time and already needed an emergency medical assistance at the nearest hospital.

Knowing my mom, she’d also do too much work (gardening, and some household works) despite her age. Not that I don’t tell her to slow down a little bit but she said she needs to move and work because that what makes her “alive”. Right now, she has little bit of cold and cough because of the changing weather in the last few days. It’s so hot the whole afternoon, then suddenly it will just rain. I’m praying that she’ll be well soon.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Walking the Dog


This is my dog Sophie, a mix breed of Daschund and Shitzu. She’s my daughter and my bestfriend. Our mornings will start when we’ll go walking around the village for about 30 mins. It’s our bonding time and also my way of getting some exercise. She already know that we’re going out when she sees me wearing my shorts and when I’m getting her leash already. Soon after, she’ll be waging her tail endlessly and that is the sign that she’s excited and ready to go out.

Right now, since most of the times I got up late due to some work, I’m not been able to go out and walk her out. I get up at around 8 am and it’s already impossible to go out since it will be too hot already.  I know she missed that activity that we had but to make up for it, we’ll just play in the garage with her ball.

Securing Our Homes, Business and Properties

Protecting our homes, business and properties will always be on top of our priorities. We always see to it that we have proper locks, lighting, alarms, railings and other security measures in our premises for burglars and other crooks are always ready to intrude. Purchasing and installing cctv and security cameras have increased in the recent years as crimes have become rampant all over the globe. We have no reason not to be critical about our safety these days, as terrorists, pro robbers and even small- time thieves are just waiting the right timing to do their modus operandi.

I have to be honest that it has become a scary thought because we never know when attacks or intrusions will happen to our homes and business. Installing security cameras can greatly help as it can provide evidence with the recordings it has captured. Security systems maybe wired and wireless and it depends on the area where you want it to be installed or manner that you want to use it. Just choose the best that will serve purpose in your security.

With the breakthrough of this modern technology, these security cameras have led to the capture of criminals and solving of crimes. These days, many security cameras come in various shapes, styles and sizes that can help in the video surveillance and live monitoring purposes.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Tempted to Buy

Oh dear, my online friend Faye has once again posted her goodies for sale at her Flickr account and I have to say that I'm really tempted to buy another watch (yes you heard it watch!). She has lots of Armani, Fossil, Michael Kors watches and I'm really drooling on them. I just asked the price of the Armani watch that I'm eyeing and hopefully, I will keep my self control so that I can't buy. Her branded bags also make me drool but no way I can buy another one because I just bought one a week ago from another friend.

E-bay is another place where I’m always tempted to buy but since I’m too scared to be scammed by a bogus seller, I always end up not buying. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Wednesday Happy Thoughts


1. Sweet ripe mangoes
2. New bag coming
3. Zero-back log on online works
4. Online shopping
5. Message from a friend in FB
6. Bills paid
7. Online rakets
8. Bestfriend getting back to corporate world
9. Business opportunity for my sis
10. 25th Wedding anniversary of my sis and bil

Not Yet Too Late

I was deeply moved by a story that my mom had relayed to me the other day. The son of her friend has been in trouble for the past months since end of December last year. Even it was embarrassing for my mom’s friend to tell that her son is into prohibited drugs, he can’t hide that fact since she has seen so many behavioural changes in him. A complaint in the barangay is also filed because of her son’s waywardness and it looks like he already needed some form of drug treatment,

I know it’s not even too easy for them to convince her son to go on a rehab but I I guess with a good convincing he’ll be able to go inside a drug treatment center hat can help him cleanse himself and later on start a new “life”. I know it’s not yet too late for him to do that for there are centers that can address his problems with professionalism.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Just a Rant

I don't usually rant here if I'm not too piqued but the recent incident that happened to me made want to burst it out here. I will not be putting it into detail though but hope you permit  me to yank in here. I was suppose to renew my debit card that expired last month. I went to the branch and applied for it knowing I can get it after a week or so. Called the office few times but unfortunately they can’t find my request. It’s been 3 weeks already but nothing happened. I needed that card badly for my transaction but due to their delay I was left in confusion.

Anyway, I already found the answer to my question about my card and the reason I can’t get the replacement is that my account is already inactive or closed. Geez, that teller should have called me after days of knowing it to save me from waiting but she did not do it. I only was able to talk to a nicer teller yesterday and she also kept her promise that she will look into my account. She made it all clear with the call that she made this morning. I should have known that my acct. was already inactive much earlier. Right now, I’m just planning to transfer to another branch to apply for a new debit card. Yay.. waiting is hard thing..

Have you Played Disc Golf?

There are so many games invented and people have so many alternatives on what hobby or sport they will take. Honestly, it’s my 1st time to have heard of disc golf? I learned that disc golf is also popularly known as frisbee golf and it can be enjoyed not just by adults but kids as well. The game looks interesting and I reckon it’s also easy to play as long as you practice and put your concentration and heart while playing it.

The game is played throwing a disc or frisbee on to the target, which is usually a metal basket and who ever scores lower will win the game. I bet this is another way to bond with your friends or family during the weekends as you can play it on the park or anywhere. Disc golf stuff are also readily available online like at Disc Golf Station so you can purchase anytime you want. I have to try this game in the future.

Dangerous Side Effects

Pregnancy as what my SILs and friends told me is one of the best experiences that they had being a woman. The baby inside them is so precious that they always see to it that they visit their Obstetrician all the time for proper check up.

It’s also good to note that they have learned that a dangerous side effects can occur when they will be given a drug known as Topamax for their migraine attacks. This drug is known to cause serious Topamax birth defect
to babies, leaving babies with cleft lip and palate deformities. Fortunately, this drug is off the market already but have injured babies already. Legal hep is also available for those parents who suspected that the deformities are brought about that drug.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Greeting to All Mothers Out There!


Moms, this is your day today. Enjoy and have fun with your family!

Layout using my A MOTHER’S LOVE kit available at Artscow.

Friday, May 6, 2011

New Trends in Medical Field

Nurses somewhat run in our family, my sister is a nurse by profession though she’s not practicing it right now. My aunt and uncle met during their nursing college days are now nurses in the US for about 3 decades now. They have the passion for their career that’s why up to now they are practicing it.

A cousin of mine, who at first was in a different field decided to shift to nursing has also been working in a hospital in the US. While a distant cousin is also reaping the rewards of being a nurse in the US as well. I have other distant relatives and friends who are nurses and I can see in them the dedication that they are putting in their careers.

I often see them wear their immaculately clean white uniforms but lately I have seen some photos via their Facebook acct. that they upgraded their work clothes. I’m glad that fashion has finally invaded the medical field for I saw color and prints in their scrubs. Now, they are not stuck to wearing white but they have the option to choose new trends like wearing trend colors and patterns. I was even more amazed to see cartoons character

even had Hello Kitty, Tweety, Dora and Betty Boop prints. Tooniforms ScrubsCherokee Flexibles Scrubs

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

My Home Projects

Slowly, my mom and I have been accomplishing things that we wanted to do or buy for the house. At first, my mom is very hesitant to the change but I told her it's already time for a change and she should not let the sentimental value of a furniture or old look to hinder us from making our home more contemporary.

We started by changing some of our old appliances when we bought new ones before Christmas last year. It was a breeze to see new appliances and I can see the happiness in my mom’s eyes when they are all installed already. This March, I bought her a new Samsung LCD TV for it’s now time to say goodbye to our old TV.

Right now, I’m planning new projects for our home and here are some.

1.Since it’s still summer, I wanted to have our house re-painted. I guess this is the perfect time to do that. I wanted our living room and kitchen to be brighter and in life once again. A white color paint will do the trick for sure.

2. I also wanted to change the lighting in our living room since that is where my work place is located as well. Mom also suggested that we need to have to install few more lights in garage and I already found an idea about outdoor lighting from when I was looking for inspiration.

3. Finally, I wanted a new sofa. The one the we have right now is over 2 decades now and again this is a good time to replace it.

I already have a budget for these projects so I’m hoping that I’ll have them place this 1st quarter of the year.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Prince Marries His Princess

The world witnessed the "Wedding of the Century" as Prince William marries Kate Middleton at Westminster Abbey yesterday. I have to be honest that I’m also glued to watching it on TV from afternoon till evening. Almost all our local channels are showing the wedding Live as it happens. Here is just one of the photos that I took on my TV screen where the wedding is shown at QTV11.IMG_9263 I was in awe while watching the wedding and I just wish that their wedding will last forever as I can see their love through their eyes.

Definitely Need to Eat More

It's been 3-4 months already when I noticed that I've been slowing losing some weight. I was at 97 lbs. way back in 2010 but it went down to 90 lbs. as of today. To be honest, I'm not really happy with the weight that I have now for I look sickly thin, fortunately I'm not that tall so it's making it balance a little bit.

Lately, almost everyone that saw me, asked me why am I getting thin. I just told them that a recent illness and not eating fatty foods or drinking softdrinks made me lose weight and I'm trying to eat more to regain the lost lbs. that I have before. Been trying so hard but still I'm stuck to 90. Women with bigger hips and more fuller than I am made me jealous. I'm not resorting to having myoripped though because I'm positive that I'll bounce back in few more months. If it’s hard to lose weight then it’s definitely hard to gain weight in my case.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Giving Mom a Headache

Mom bought some new water faucets at a nearby home depot because she wanted to change the faucets in the kitchen and in our bathroom. The faucet in the kitchen was successfully installed by our helper but when they are trying to fit the one for the bathroom, one of the plumb just gave in. Water started to flow and they need to close the water coming from the reservoir to stop the spill.


Our helper inspected the area and it turned out that the faucets and plumb already have too much rust and they need to install new one. Oh boy, another expenses on the way. Today, they can’t find a good plumber to do that job right and that’s giving my mom a headache. Unfortunately we have no water in the house for the moment and I’m going to bear until it is fix.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Drop Your First Pounds Today: A Beginner’s Guide on Weight Loss

Have you looked at the mirror and noticed how you’ve gained weight over the past months? This happens to most of us and then the decision to start losing weight comes next. It will be the beginning of a challenging journey towards a healthier lifestyle that includes a balanced diet and proper exercise. If you are a newbie in this field, words might sound new to you and could easily create a confusion. Add to that the number of diet plans, workout equipment and routine exercises, each one claiming to be the best and most effective weight to say goodbye to those unwanted fats.

Anyone who is unfamiliar with this aspect should be given an ample amount of information and resources. If you are determined to drop pounds today here are some tips that are perfect for beginners:

1. Pay a visit to your doctor and have a comprehensive physical exam. Most people would immediately jump in to the whole exercise and fitness routines without consulting their physician. This decision could often lead to more problems than solution. A consultation would determine your body’s capabilities with regards to workout regimen.

2. Do not starve yourself or go on a crash diet. Skipping meals is not a healthy way to lose weight. When you go on a starvation mode, the body tends to crave for more food intake and you’ll end up eating more than the normal resulting to weight gain.

3. Eat the right kinds of foods and plan meals ahead of time. Supermarkets and grocery stores offer a number of discount coupons to customers. Use this to your advantage and purchase healthy items such as fruits and vegetables. If you are a busy body gourmet diet meals offered by companies such as Diet to Go and Bistro MD could keep you on track even with a busy schedule because the meals are delivered to you.

4. Set short term and long term goals. Start by setting your goal for the week such as losing at least three pounds or reducing your food intake. These small goals would help you stay motivated and inspired for the whole week. Make a list and write them on a board where you can see it all the time. Your long term goal should include your target weight goal.

5. Sign up for a gym membership. Performing exercises the wrong way is just a waste of time and effort. Beginners are encouraged to join a health club or gym and hire a personal trainer that can provide a step by step guide on how to lose weight the right way. Most gyms offer special discounts to encourage new members to use their facilities, make the most out of this offer and sign up for one.

Read and do your own research. The internet could provide you with valuable information and resource materials that can help in your weight loss plans. You could also find various discount coupons and savings promo code related to diet and weight loss that you can use. Share your thoughts and experiences to other people and at the same time learn from them as well.

AbieL is a free lance writer and professional blogger who also blogs about weight loss programs meal delivery plans in a diet blog where she shares Diet to Go discounts and coupons for Bistro MD diet program. Bistro MD is a meal delivery service that caters to people who want to lose weight without compromising on taste and food enjoyment.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wednesday Happy Thoughts

1. A different Holy Week for me
2. Sweet mangoes for lunch and dinner. Yummo!
3. Mom replacing our water faucet with a new style. So happy about this!
4. Old point and shoot cam repaired by bro’s friend w/o charge.
5. Nap in the afternoon.
6. Sophie’s cute eyes.
7. My cute Japan made bike
8. Siomai !
9. E-mail from an old friend
10. New work table at home

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter


Jesus Christ has risen! Let’s all rejoice.

As a tradition, we heard mass this morning together with my whole family. Afterwards, we had a great lunch over at my brother's place. Dishes are sumptuous and everyone enjoyed it. My brother grilled some pork and fish while my sister in law cooked her veggie dish specialty. I marinated some spare ribs and had it cooked in turbo. Ahhhh.. we're all stuffed. Hope you all had a great time with your family as well.