This is the time to celebrate! I can't believe it , this blog of mine is already 14 years old and counting since January of 2017!!! And what makes it more special is that this is my VERY FIRST DOMAIN BLOG!
I first started blogging in 2005 using BRAVEJOURNAL.COM but sad to say that it was already deleted since its revamped. A premium account is needed to save it but it's not my priority to upgrade at that time. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to backup or saved some of my earlier blog entries so that makes me sad.
To date I've been blogging for the last 17 years now and counting though I'm not that active anymore like the days when I first started.
My very 1st post in this blog A SLICE OF LIFE.
Hooray.. here's to more blogging years!!! I also ventured into another format VLOGGING in youtube