Monday, December 27, 2010

Our Fun-Filled Christmas

Hey everyone I hope you all had a great Christmas with your family and friends!

Here's what we did last Christmas. My brother and nephew bought some food (pizza, chicken, cake etc) for our Noche Buena as we don't usually cook then around 8pm we had our dinner. At 10 pm we heard mass then ate again our Noche Buena.
I slept late already at around 1:30 am as we had long chat with my family. It was Christmas day when my niece and nephew opened their gifts that they got from Santa. Other kids are knocking at our doors by early morning asking for Christmas presents..

My nieces and nephews went to their godparents to greet them Merry Christmas and to receive gifts as well. My godchildren and kids of my relatives also came in batches and in turn they got presents from me (gifts or money). The kids enjoyed the "manuhan" as they got lots of presents and money.

We had a sumptuous lunch that was cooked by my SIL. We had no karaoke used this year but still we had fun. After lunch, we all went to our relatives to give and receive gifts. It's our tradition to do that every Christmas day.

By nighttime, we all gather at my brother's place for opening of gifts. It was so fun eventhough our gifts are just simple but given with love.

Merry Christmas all!

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