Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Truth about Fleas and Ticks

If you own a dog or cat, you understand the problems fleas and ticks can create for both you and your pet. Frontline Plus, a topical medication you can purchase from your vet, keeps these pests at bay. Applied once a month to your pet, it will kill all adult fleas on the animal within 18 hours and 100 percent of all ticks within 48 hours. The medication contains S-methoprene, which destroys flea larvae and eggs.

Many people consider fleas and ticks just part of the hassle that comes with pet ownership, but these pests can cause other health issues, such as allergic dermatitis, anemia, and Lyme disease. Caused by bacteria that enter your pet’s blood stream after the tick attaches to the skin, Lyme disease can produce symptoms such as fever, loss of appetite, and lethargy. In serious cases, Lyme disease can lead to progressive kidney disease and kidney failure.

Several different Frontline products are available, including Frontline Spray, Frontline, and Frontline Plus. Used for severe flea and tick infestations, your vet will administer Frontline Spray in his office. With Frontline and Frontline Plus, you apply the product at home. The medications work on a monthly basis to prevent infestations.

Safe for use in dogs over eight weeks old, you apply Frontline Plus underneath your pet's hair, between the shoulder blades. This prevents your pet from licking it off. The medication dissolves into the skin and coat of your pet. Over a 24-hour time frame, the Frontline Plus spreads across your pet’s body surface and settles in to the oil glands of the skin. During the coverage period, the glands secrete the active ingredients of the Frontline Plus into the skin and hair, protecting your dog against external pests. When applied correctly, Frontline Plus will protect your pet and give you peace of mind.

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