Thursday, July 17, 2008

: BEWARE: Hoax Pay Pal Email !!! :

I got this e-mail few days ago and I knew right away that this is a bogus email bec. Paypal will never send an email without my name on it. (Look at the screenshot). I also have read about this at Paypal's website before so I am already warned so when i saw it i forwarded it to paypal and they said it is a PHISHING mail, wherein they will get your paypal info. That is scary !!

If you have received such e-mail , ignore it or report it as spam or a spoof at paypal, in that way they can track it down. NEVER ever CLICK any link that they have provided. DELETE the e-mail right away. Be safe ok !! Try to open paypal's website on a new browser and read their warnings on their site so that you can protect your paypal earnings.

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