Thursday, December 13, 2007

We all need to “Go Slow”

Life can be so stressful at times, our day to day job can be become a routine work for all of us and it can become so tiring if we continue to do that for the whole year. I also can picture those people working in a corporate world, where stress and pressure are their companion everyday especially if they have deadlines. Make it worst if they have a “tiger” boss that is so meticulous, straight forward, very demanding and inconsiderate. I know they will go crazy over that, weeeh I am glad I am my own boss bec. I have my very own small business to take care of.

Stays at home moms sometimes are belittled but they also have the hardest job in the world and I salute them. Keeping the house neat, taking care of the kids and being a wife is no joke. I firmly believe they need to take a break and their husbands should understand that. With all the stress in life that we encounter we should “go slow” every now and then. Go slow by taking a vacation away from work or if you can’t take a vacation, a day at the spa or the “me” time is a great way too.

I already looking forward to my vacation in Australia next year and one of the things I am excited about our vacation in the Great Barrier Reef. Wooohoo. It’ll be my 1st time there and i it’s the time to be on the beach and have some fun!

Being on a beach is not complete if we’ll not wear proper attire. A wide collection of beach wear products can be found at from hawaiian shirts, sarongs (beach wrap), MAdGringo t-shirts and more. Their Hawaiian shirts are lightweight, silky soft, athletic cut and bright colors perfect for the sunny beach mood. Holidays are coming and I know many would be heading for a vacation. Go slow everyone!!

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