Thursday, May 15, 2014

Beating the Summer Heat

It's summer here in our part of world and the heat is unbearable most of the times. Summer started in March and it will end I guess first week of June.

Temperature ranges from 33-36C the whole day and it's humid and sticky as well that you need to take a bath 2-3 times a day to cool you off. Cold water and lots of watery fruits can also help us hydrate.  There are already some affected by heat stroke and if not addressed early it can lead to death.

Using umbrella, hat, shades and even sunblock can help when you are out most of the times. It's burning and exhausting all day long. El Nino phenomenon is already forecasted and strong and mighty typhoons will come soon.

I hope and pray that not much destruction will come ever to our country just like what Ondoy in Sept. 2009 and Yolanda in Nov. 8 2013 left us.

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