Monday, March 11, 2013

Finding your Passion

Every one of us has a hobby or passion on something. Personally, I love arts and crafts and already done so many hobbies through the years. I started out liking making crafts like paper wreath that I used to placed on my doors. I also made topiaries made of paper, buttons and flowers as it resembles small trees that I use to put in a small pot. Crochet and cross-stitching also got my attention and the last time I made a cross-stitch is way back on 2000.

These days, I'm more into digital scrapbooking and digital photography and I'm wondering what would be my next hobby. Passion is not all about hobbies for you can be passionate on different fields like music, dancing, visual arts, mechanical stuff that uses coupling nuts and other supplies.

Some people are passionate about animals, cars and more. No matter what is your passion it can make us relieve our stress or worries in our lives.

1 comment:

  1. Finding your passion also makes getting up each day much easier!


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