Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Today, I'm here at my shop because the net at my house is just annoying (on and off).

Outside my window… I can see some few public vehicles passing bu
I am thinking… of finishing some works today so that my work load will be less this week.
I am thankful for…the times that I spent with my family during our Singapore trip last week,
From the kitchen… I cooked chicken caldereta, one of my fave dishes that I cool.
I am wearing… my tokong pants and shirt. I'm also loving my short hair now.
I am creating… blogs posts for my different blogs. It's going to be many but I have to do this.
I am going…to check out the custom golf balls that I saw online. I've been looking for a nice gift for my uncle and I think that is a good one.
I am reading… some blog posts of my friends and my sisters.
I am hoping… that our net connection at home will become stable already as it is pissing me off already.
I am hearing… the tribute for our Comedy King Dolphy on TV.
Around the house…My niece K is at the house because she has no class today.
One of my favorite things… is my point and shoot camera. I'm carrying it anywhere I go so I can snap a photo and preserve memories.
A few plans for the rest of the week: I’m looking forward to attend the baptismal of my friend's daughter come Saturday and probably go to Greenhills to buy some stuff.

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