Friday, November 26, 2010

Cleaning Your House With Home Remedies

Keeping a house clean can be no easy task. Dirt and grime can accumulate in almost every area of the house and can be tricky to remove. If you are looking to keep your house clean there are a number of things you can do using simple household items to keep the place tidy.

Keeping your floors clean can be done using a simple washing liquid. Mixing a few tablespoons of this with some water will provide you with an ideal solution to start scrubbing your floors. If you use a scented liquid, your floors will also smell nice. You can use this technique to clean windows as well.

If you have a build up of mildew in your bathroom, this can be hard to shift. By mixing some thyme in water and leaving it to settle in a bowl for a few days, you will again provide yourself with a perfect cleaning solution. Bathroom sinks and tiles are also areas that can collect a lot of dirt and these can be kept clean by using toothpaste as a bleach to lift the dirt right off.

If you have older people living in your house who wear dentures, then you can even use their denture cleaner to keep the toilet seat clean! Simply spray the cleaner over the seat and leave it overnight to kill germs.

Chrome surfaces in kitchens can also prove tricky to clean. Vinegar applied to a damp cloth is a great way to wipe these surfaces down.

If you have furniture to polish, you can make your own polish out of olive oil and lemon juice. The natural homemade remedies are a great way to keep your entire house free from germs.

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