Monday, October 18, 2010

Split Testing Theory: The Secret of Internet Marketing

There’s no doubt that we’ve come to this age where the Internet plays a great role in our lives. It has been a medium for many of us to read mails, to communicate, go shopping, pay bills and lots more. It has brought so much good conveniences for all us and I’m just so thankful for its existence.

The Internet has also revolutionized the way many business owners deal with their products and services. It serves as a great ground to advertise their products and to sell online thereby making more profits than before. However, being successful online is not an overnight thing, every owner should read, research, and do split testing. According to an online marketing expert, the Split Testing method is an important tool for any online marketing campaign and it has helped him with his own online businesses.

It is done by creating 2 different pages (ad pages) say different headers/colors etc. for your campaign for you to test, send visitors to each web pages and at the end of the day, compare the results and see which page comes up with more profits or sales. Once you see the page that gives the best result, you in turn remove the other page, create another ad, and see if it can beat the other previous page that gives best result. It is done multiple times or until you’re satisfied with the end profit.

By following this split testing, your chances of improving your income will be possible. Williams even noted that Internet entrepreneurs should not just rely on their instincts but they need to be aggressive in testing and finding ways to know what consumers really want.

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