Thursday, August 26, 2010

Pursuing Your Dream

I was just finished talking with my sis in Sydney via YM and since we have not talked for a while we have talked endlessly this morning. There are many good and bad news that we have discussed and one good news is that the house that they are building is almost half way done.

Sis is also thinking of venturing into beauty business, something like nail art and hair styling for kids during birthdays and I hope she will succeed in that. Just recently she became interested in cosmetology as well and like I said nail art and eventhough she has no formal training she wants to pursue in that career.

For those that are dreaming taking courses in cosmetology then I suggest that you enroll at any beauty school like Regency in
that can hone your skills and knowledge. With good instructors and state-of the art facilities, for sure you'll have the best knowledge on the course.

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