Monday, November 2, 2009

(Re)Discovering The Cooking Diva in Me

I've been recently re-discovering the cooking diva in me, not that I am an expert or a very good one but I remember the times when I used to cook all the time. Those are the days when my work and schedules are not that hectic and looking for nice recipes on cookbooks and even watching a local cooking shows on TV. When I became busier and that is when I was slowly engulfed by the computers, I can only count in my fingers the times that I cook.

Recently, eventhough I am still busy, there came a point where I got interested in cooking once again. My family even teased if me if I ate something different that all of a sudden I wanted to be the house cook hehe. Now that net is here, I found myself scouring for simple recipes that I can whip for my family. My fave viands are with sauces or stew like and I also particularly like grilled chicken or baby back ribs.

Now that my birthday is coming (actually few more days), I plan to cook a small feast for my family and that includes ribs and seafoods. I already saw a recipe at Youtube and I'll be trying that out. For those that don't have time to cook or those that fancy dining out, a nice resto can actually please them.

Just in case you are looking for a steak and seafood house in midtown Manhattan, then I reckon you can try Rosie O'Gradys, one of the leading Restaurants In Manhattan. Take a look at one of their mouth-watering feast. What about their Swordfish Steak, Lobster, Filet Mignon? Aren't you hungry already just like me?
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