Thursday, October 29, 2009

Things to Accomplish

Wow, October is almost gone and before we knew it it'll be Christmas already wahooooo!! There are few things that I wanted to accomplish many months ago and blame it on my procrastination that's why I have not accomplished then. For sure I will not be able to check on some term insurance comparisons online as well. Anyway here is my list.

1. Go to the grocery to buy stuff for the house and food that we will bring at the cemetery.
2. See my lady dentist for teeth cleaning and for check up.
3. Go shopping at Divisoria for some stuff and that includes birthday gifts for myself.
4. Run an errand for my sister.
5. Go to a gov't. agency and work on some papers of my contribution
6. Work on some settings on my other blogs plus update them as well. I have so many photos and stories to tell but sometimes, I'm just to lazy post them.
7. Download photos from my DSLR and point and shoot camera's memory cards
8. Have a much needed hair treatment because my gray hairs are showing already.

Yay, I still a lot to do and I hope I can accomplish them next month.

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