Thursday, August 13, 2009

Keeping In Touch

I was able to chat with my sister who is in Sydney the other night over at YM and she told me that they are doing well especially the kids. They are planning to move that’s why their house is for sale but with the looks of it they are not moving soon bec. buyers are asking for a lower price. It is still winter over there and at times she said it is still so cold inside their house, I am guessing that maybe they have not replaced the furnace filters yet that is why or maybe it was just really too cold. I remember when I was vacationing there, I still feel cold even when the heater is on and that only shows that I have low tolerance for cold.

I’m also getting excited to see my nieces and nephews again and not long enough they will be coming home for a vacation here in December. I can’t wait for that. How’d I wish I can pull the days to see them once more. Oh, I also wish I can see them on webcam bec. it’s been a long time since we did that.

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