Friday, December 28, 2007

Have you called your family yet?

One of the best ways to communicate to any loved ones is by calling them in the phone especially if you are living in a different country. There’s no other like hearing their warm voice and to know how they are. Calling your family makes them feel more loved and important, but sometimes it will cost a fortune if you always call overseas using your landline.

For many Pinoys abroad one of the best ways to call is by using aphone card to save more bucks. In this way there’ll more time for chit chats. There are many cards available online and I found an affordable card to call from US to Phils.. Crazy call phone card allows you to call at 5.9cents per minute. There is a simple instruction in their website on how to use this card. If you get yourself one, just don’t forget to call your family, they are waiting to hear your voice. Happy New Year everyone!!

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