Sunday, August 19, 2007


Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

The theme for this week at is TWO. Here are my entries for this blog. It's my only 2nd week as a member and i am enjoying it already.

These neon colored LP is at my brother's gallery and it looks interesting so i took a photo of it. Actually he loves collecting old Long Playing albums and also sells them online.

This next photo are empty bottles hanging on the ceiling at my brother's gallery. He used this as an accent for his other collections.

You can join and play with us at the Photo Hunt and enjoy taking pics or digging up your pile of photos. We have different themes every week.

I have different photo entry at my other blog (ants and flowers), hope you can take a look at it.


  1. Love these colourful records and bottles. Happy Photohunting :o)

  2. wow neon colored LP's. That's a rare sight. Here's mine

  3. very nice photos jen! gumagamit ka ng itty bitty?

  4. @ RUTH & changeiam- thanks for droppin by

    @ JEN - i do, thanks

  5. very nice photos. i love're indeed very artistic and creative. keep it up!


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