Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Bebots Meeting

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BEBOTS: From L-R : Me , Abie, Mich, Jacq, Kaje, Aggie, Rona :
Front: Wanda & Angie
(Photo courtesy of Angie)
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(Photo courtesy of Michelle)
L-R: Jacq, Mich and Me :)
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Last Saturday, Feb 10, my co members at the Phil. Digiscrappers met for the 1st Jacq and Aggie were not there yet so I decided to stroll the mall to wait for them. It was around 4:30 pm when Aggie texted me that they were already in the area, so I met them for the very 1st time and we went upstairs at Rona’s office at the Galleria Corporate Center to meet them. time. I arrived in Robinson’s Galleria mall at around 2:45 pm, over an hour early for the 4 pm meeting.

When we arrived at the conference room, there were other Pinay Digi-scrappers that were already there. We met Rona, Angie, Michelle, Abie, and Kaje for the first time. It was indeed a super fun experience for me meeting all of them. The feeling is different when you meet them in person and not just talking to them only through the board and seeing their pictures.

Wow we had an endless chit chats, can you imagine 9 girls talking and talking hahaha. Abie had to go early bec. her dad is having a birthday party, well at least she attended the EB. Jacq and Kaje had to leave a bit early too.

Wanda came I think around 5:30 to join us. So me, Rona, Angie, Michelle, Aggie, Wanda were only left chit chatting about digi scrapping, designers, our layouts, personal lives etc. Glo even called from the US to join us eventhough it was only 4:30 am there. We had to pass around the phone so she can talk to all of us…
And of course, picture taking is a must, we were like in a studio, taking pictures, almost everyone had their own cameras so we were like looking and smiling in 3 cameras at the same time.. LOL. of course cams are in their timers to picture as all. It was really sooooo fun. Wish we had our 2nd meeting hopefully this year eh.. I’ll share some photos when they have uploaded it on our gallery.

The meeting was adjourned at 7 pm…..and oh boy we didn’t even noticed that we didn’t ate any bec. of the endless chit chats and picture taking..LOL.

1 comment:

  1. aaawww, nice pictures! hehehe! :)

    sana talga maulit itong EB!


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