Monday, March 29, 2010

Upcoming Events in Your Area

It’s Holy Monday today and I’m still in full swing in my work here at my store. Having no net at home for the past 3 days has made me slow in my online work. I’m comfortable in doing my online stuff in the mornings at home but my schedule was interrupted bec. of that. Anyway, I’m actually trying to finish some more work load so that by Holy Thurs and Friday I will not be doing any online work.

For sure I’ll be busy with some offline duties eventhough we are just going to spend the Holy Week and Easter at home and at my bro’s place. There'll be lots of "Pabasa" (reading/chanting of passion and death of Christ) here in our neighborhood and although I'm not participating in any, it's a noble and good tradition that we have here in our place.

1 comment:

  1. Here we going to have Easter soon. I will be busy with my church activities too!


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