Thursday, November 1, 2007

Halloween Treats

Halloween treat for bloggers and I’m giving this treats to my random visitors who are also willing to share.

* “… a treat to 1-5 to bloggers who drop by during the week for visiting. You’re more than welcomed to pass it along to ones you think are deserving of a special treat for the season. Kinda like “Pay it Forward” Y’know, one goodwill gesture deserves another?

* But DON’T just choose your friends making this cliquish and “just groupies”… Make NEW friends by choosing random visitors!!!

* It seems that ‘awards’ are floating around blogland and just “blog friends” get chosen all the time. Make it RANDOM!!

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the treats. I just cant miss Halloween. It way too fun seeing pple dressing up in horrifying costume. I hope yours is great too :)

    Janice Ng


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